Botanical Name
Tanacetum parthenium
Ususal Origin(s)
The Balkan Peninsula
Feverfew is a perennial in the daisy family originally native to Europe but now naturalized and cultivated throughout the world, including much of North America. Because feverfew is commonly grown in kitchen herb gardens and as an ornamental, its prolific appearance across the natural landscape demonstrates the ease with which it can escape cultivation unless confined.
The herb’s common name is adapted from the Latin febrifugia, which means “fever reducer.” Due to a type of terpene called parthenolide, feverfew is primarily viewed today as a prophylaxis of chronic migraine. Be aware, however, that suddenly ceasing the intake of this herb after long-term use often results in a rebound effect that produces symptoms worse than before. Feverfew is a plant that is native to Europe. It can now be found in North American and Europe as well. It is a perennial plant that grows only to 2 feet in height. It has daisy-like flowers. The leaves can be picked as needed. The aerial parts are gathered during summer months.
Health Benefits
Useful for relieving chronic inflammation.
The fresh leaves of feverfew can cause ulcers in the mouth. Do not take feverfew if you're taking another type of blood-thinner. Pregnant women should not take feverfew. Consult your health care provider before beginning use of any herb.
Folk Names
Featherfew, Febrifuge Plant
Magical Uses
Carry with you for protection against colds and fevers, as well as accidents.
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